Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day - New Arrivals

Memorial Day is a day to take time to remember that many, many people have died serving our country and protecting the rest of us. Memorial Day 2020 has been quite different than most - no ceremonies or events - but I hope that most people took the time to recognize the day in their own way.

Another favorite spring flower to share - we call them cowslips, other folks call them marsh marigolds or swamp marigolds.  Whatever the name, I love them!

Our first batch of chicks hatched last Monday but I didn't get a look at them until Tuesday - Mama Hen is very protective!

A week later, they already have little wing feathers coming in.  Mama hen does a great job of showing them how to scratch the soil, what to eat - just how to be a chicken!
Saturday we had our first farmer's market of the season in Aitkin.  It was really different, trying to go by the guidelines for distancing, mask wearing, etc.  Some of the customers were masked and careful not to handle items but other just reached across the dividing table and picked things up to examine them.  I guess we just have to do the best we can with it. 

Yesterday (Sunday) we picked up six porkers from farmer friends.  Kevin lifted each one out of the trailer and put them their new paddock.

They settled right in:
These are all litter-mates - quite colorful aren't they?

As far as other farm activities, the corn is planted and part of the garden.  We have been really hoping for rain and have gotten some, but not the good soaking rain that we need.  They are giving a 50% chance of rain both tonight and tomorrow so maybe.

Next week there won't be any new critter news to share but I will be back with an update anyway.  Until then, be well friends.

Monday, May 18, 2020

And The Wind Doth Blow

Wow - big wind here in our part of Minnesota today - enough!

Our ancient manure spreader has finally had it.  This weekend, Kevin borrowed a nice one from farmer friends Scott and Allison and put it to good use.  Rollie assisted with Bob - loading from the big pile of composted soiled bedding and Kevin spread it on the front field. 

Hoover and I have been enjoying walking in the woods.  He gets pretty exciting about all the things he is smelling while I enjoy the tiny wildflowers.  Spring is such a gift!

I looked this one up - it's a Sessile-leaf Bellwort. 

I also enjoy watching the ferns develop.

A little shake up in the goat world.  Kevin move Hickory to a pasture shelter and paddock just a little ways out from the barn.  He was Very Unhappy about this move and demonstrated his displeasure by complaining loudly if any human was in view, and breaking out a couple of times.  After a week or so of that, we moved Tamarack in with him.  There was a bit of drama for an hour or two but now they are buds and Hickory is much quieter!

And that is all I have to share for this post.  We are pretty busy this week - more so than usual - getting ready for the first farmer's market of the season.  It will be different for sure with mask wearing and distancing, but hopefully it will go well.  Locals, maybe we will see you next Saturday!

Until next time, be well friends.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Happy Mother's Day - just a day late!

For years I have had a Mother's Day post on this blog but last night after recapturing Hickory who had found a weak spot in his paddock panels, I just wasn't up to it.  So, Happy Day After Mother's Day to you all - from Peanut - an awesome mom!
The story of the week has to be the snow.  Here is Saturday - the backyard:

The happy plants in the greenhouse:

The view from the milking stand at afternoon chore time:

And Sunday - the view from the milking stand again at afternoon chore time:

I have to admire the resiliency of plants. The rhubarb and asparagus pay no mind to a little snow or cold.  The garlic is looking great:
And the tiny spinach plants are no worse for wear in their planter:

I'll finish up this post with just a couple of critter photos:

Handsome Rafael:

And (of course) the photogenic Dahlia!

Have a great week everyone, wash your hands, wear that mask, keep your distance and be well!

Monday, May 4, 2020

A Tale of Two Turkeys

I have a story to tell this evening but will do so without (much) embellishment due to the list of other things I need to accomplish before bedtime.

It was an evening early last week - I was wrapping up a phone call with Aunt Virgie when I looked through the kitchen window. There in the driveway was a turkey hen.  Not an unusual sight around here, except it was not Peanut the Royal Palm.  I exclaimed to my aunt that there was a turkey in the driveway, about 30 feet or so from the house! We concluded our call and I grabbed up my phone.  Naturally the sharp eyed hen spotted me and headed back up the driveway.  I ran upstairs to the living room and counted five hens just east of the house - along with a puffed up tom.  I thought it was Big Tom (our Tom) but upon a second look, no - that's a wild one! 

Of course I was noticed again and the turkeys headed south toward the little pond and the field beyond.  I went back to the kitchen but noticed out the south window that they seemed to be circling around.  I had an idea that I might sneak out the front, quietly come around to the back of the house and catch a picture before they were gone.  What I found was a barnyard battle - turkey style!

Big Tom and Wild Tom where having a chest pumping, trash gobbling bout.  I tried to snap a photo and then thought I had better break it up before someone got hurt - Wild Tom was a bit bigger than Big Tom.  Wild Tom was soon running for the woods after his hens, and fortunately Big Tom stayed home, no doubt to brag about this to Peanut for days to come!

That's about it for this week's update.  I tried unsuccessfully to get a good photo of Briar - he's just kind of camera shy, unlike Dahlia who poses at every opportunity like the princess she is!  

The guys have been doing their soil work - here is Rollie dragging before oats are planted.

And I want to share this little turtle - tiny really, that Kori and I ran across on Saturday.  I had to see my girl so we went for a walk near her place in Brainerd.  This little guy was about the size of a quarter!  It is a painted turtle we think. 

Anyway, until next time (should be next week)  be well friends!