Monday, May 11, 2020

Happy Mother's Day - just a day late!

For years I have had a Mother's Day post on this blog but last night after recapturing Hickory who had found a weak spot in his paddock panels, I just wasn't up to it.  So, Happy Day After Mother's Day to you all - from Peanut - an awesome mom!
The story of the week has to be the snow.  Here is Saturday - the backyard:

The happy plants in the greenhouse:

The view from the milking stand at afternoon chore time:

And Sunday - the view from the milking stand again at afternoon chore time:

I have to admire the resiliency of plants. The rhubarb and asparagus pay no mind to a little snow or cold.  The garlic is looking great:
And the tiny spinach plants are no worse for wear in their planter:

I'll finish up this post with just a couple of critter photos:

Handsome Rafael:

And (of course) the photogenic Dahlia!

Have a great week everyone, wash your hands, wear that mask, keep your distance and be well!


  1. I love your green house. Can you email more picture of it? I'll show them to my husband for ideas to build ours. Crossing my fingers we can do it this year.

    1. Thank you Kristina - I am so grateful to have it! I will add sending photos to you to my "to do" list - will try for that Saturday or Sunday.
