Sunday, December 9, 2018

December Blog Post #1

Sometimes it's hard to come up with a title for a post.  I am calling this December Post #1 so that I will be obligated to do a Post #2 later on in the month.  Hopefully it will be interesting - come to think of it, I hope this one will be interesting!

I will start with a photo of my stand at yesterday's Sprout Growers and Maker's Market in Little Falls.  Looks pretty good I think - as expected for a holiday market, I had a very good day.  Soap does make a good gift.

The market had at least three excellent bread makers.  The folks behind me sent me home with a box of bread for the critters.  The chickens enjoyed it quite a bit.

The pigs declined to be roused from their mid-day nap when I brought it out at noon today.

They did get up to nosh a bit later.  These two are the only ones left now.  The other three completed their destiny last Saturday and now reside in a few different freezers. These two are the "little ones" and they will be with us for a couple more weeks I think.

Good news from the coop.  Two posts ago I reported that egg production was low.  Two eggs a day, then one, and one day none at all!  I actually had to buy eggs!

I begged, cajoled, shamed, and threatened...

Finally I caved in and we started turning on the lights at 5:30 AM when we do chores and turning them off again at bedtime - for us that's sometime between 9 and 10 PM.  After a couple of weeks of that, they gradually started up again.  Yahoo!
Rocky is on the job!

Just a couple of weeks now until Christmas - I am not sure if I will get that #2 post out before or after the holiday, but whenever it is, until then, be well friends!