Sunday, August 11, 2019

Wheat Harvest and Garden Update

We have two kinds of wheat here - winter wheat planted last fall and spring wheat.  The winter wheat is Turkey Red, a heritage variety and that is now harvested.

First Rollie swathed it, which is really just cutting it with a machine called a swather - no pictures of that this time, sorry.  Then Kevin finally got to use the Behemoth - the new to us combine.  It's not so big by the big farmer standards, but much bigger than what we have had before.  It made pretty short work of the two little fields of wheat.

Back in the farm yard the wheat was unloaded into this dump wagon - to me it looks like the thing is vomitng!

The last thing to do is bale up the straw.  None of the usual help was available- Rollie and Ardis were off to a reunion, Kurt was working Duluth this week, I was still at my job and Kori was in Philadelphia on vacation. Kevin put the call out to his scouts.  Wyatt and his dad Tim came to the rescue!  By all accounts they had a pretty good time too.

I am working on another harvest - the garlic.  I have about 1/3 of it drying in the garage now and it looks very good to me.

Here are a few photos from the garden.  The tomatoes in the straw bales are doing way better than those in pots.

The pumpkins and squash love the straw bales.

I will close with an updated view from the milking stand.  Ever changing, I never get tired of it.

Until next time, be well friends

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