Sunday, November 3, 2019

November Goat Moves

November has arrived and with it the excitement of the impending deer hunting season - for some folks anyway. The weather has been pretty chilly with freezing temps every night and sometimes all day too.  This weekend getting the heated water pails organized was a priority.

Out in the barnyard, there is another kind of excitement going on - and a big change.  Our buck Ranger has moved to a new farm, and a new buck has come to ours - meet Hickory!

Poppy and Tamarack have moved to a nearby pen and shelter while Hickory visits Vinca and Echo.  The kids aren't thrilled with the arrangement but Kevin has been making their temporary home as comfortable as possible.  In the picture you can see the straw bales he has piled up on the right - when he was finished they had straw bales on both sides and the back to keep them snug and keep the drafts down.

Last weekend was my first indoor market of the fall/winter season - this is what my set up looked like.   I sure wish I had noticed the crooked tablecloth, but otherwise it looked pretty good.

My last pictures to share are kind of fun - I caught Tom napping today!


The next post you will see from us will likely be from Kevin with a hunting update. Until then, be well friends!

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