Sunday, July 26, 2015

Summer Heating Up

We are having some pretty warm weather in these parts, but it wouldn’t be Minnesota without some heat, humidity, and biting insects.  Today we are in the low 90’s and the deer-flies are a particular nuisance.  I’m alternating working outside with indoor chores.  Kevin and Kurt left for boy scout camp this morning with the troop.  I know they will have a great time; otherwise they wouldn’t keep going back every year, right?

Below you will see a field that's just green.  Those are the sunflowers on the left and just a few are blooming now.  We will be back next week with an updated photo… I’m thinking the whole field will be blooming by then… we’ll see.  We’ve never grown sunflowers like this before and are hoping our combine can harvest them for us. 

Black oil sunflower seeds aren’t just for the birds to eat; the pigs, chickens, and goats all enjoy sunflower seeds.  Maybe I should look into how practical it would be to press them for oil.  Sunflower oil would be a nice addition to the goat-milk soap. 

The garden is becoming quite jungle-like.  We’ve had ample rain and with the warm weather, everything is thriving.  The peas are about done but now the beans are coming on.  There are still just a few tomatoes ripening, so I am looking forward to some quantity from them.  I’m just a couple of days away from cucumbers too. 
My sister Carolyn was up this weekend and we stopped by Righteous Oaks farm to drop off a couple of things and see how the little pigs are doing.  Here is a picture that Carolyn got with her phone.  The little guy just wouldn’t stop moving and the rest of the litter wouldn’t come out of the long grass for a photo op, so this is the best I have.    Cute though, almost as cute a goat kid!  I love the stripes!

I’ll leave you with a picture of Mickey relaxing on the deck.  I wish you all a good week.  Be well friends. 
He's a pretty hot dog!

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