Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hay and Garden

Thought I would put a couple of pictures out here while I wait for the water to heat up.  I am freezing sugar snap peas today and the water is to blanch them.  This is one of my favorite crops and a shocking amount of the peas do not make it any further than the distance from vine to my mouth.  I will also be canning some regular peas either later today or tomorrow... this cool weather has been good for something!  The sugar snap vines are over my head!
Lily is my garden helper today
Out in the coop, the chicks are growing fast.  One of the little ones has vanished... gone without a trace, so now there are eight for Lucy and Mama Red to take care of.  The older batch of chicks are starting to look more chicken-like.

More hay has been put up this week.  I really haven't had a hand it in at all, other than helping with the un-loading.  This last batch Rollie and Kurt baled up Friday afternoon.

So, that's about it for today I think.  I hope to have a few more garden pictures for you tomorrow.


  1. Just curious - why does Mama Red have a red twine around one of her legs? Is that to distinguish her from Mama Black, who no doubt has a blue twine around one of her legs? Yes, I am catching on to the way you name your chickens.

    1. Not twine, a plastic tie-wrap thing. Wonder invention no? Out in the main flock you will see hens with white, red, and blue. The hens with white leg ties are one year old mutt hens that I purchased from someone, the red and blue are ole lake born and the color tells me how old they are. This year's pullets will get black bands. Lucy has a white band, and I think I will give her a second one of another color, because she is special.

    2. Not to confuse things of course, but the blue and red code for leg bands (see previous comment) does not pertain to the Austrolorps (the black hens). They are all 5 year old granny chickens... these two got leg bands so I know who was broody this year.

  2. I like the pic that Kevin took? If he keeps it up, you'll need to have him build a set of stairs up the side of the summer coop!

    1. Hey, that's a great idea!!! Who are you? There is just a bunch of numbers and letters up there...

    2. Sorry, this is Carolyn. I don't have an account, so it just throws out those numbers.
