Sunday, September 17, 2017

Oh no, she's talking about turkeys again!

The turkeys continue to amuse us - Kevin has taken to gobbling at them and the boys gobble back.  Most of the time that is - when they don't then he just sounds kind of silly!

They get pretty full of themselves sometimes!  Unfortunately for some of them, they are not destined for a long life.  We are going to keep a couple of them though, and our new hen - meet Penelope and her poults!
Poor girl, her feathery gown is rather soiled and tattered but underneath she is a princess - a Royal Palm. She came from some farmer friends who had lost all of their turkeys except for this little family to coyotes.  Hopefully she will have a long and happy life here.

News from the goat pen - Mitzi will be going home next weekend.  Her owners prefer to milk just once a day so starting tomorrow I am going to once a day for both does. 
She has a very loud voice and continues to be naughty on the milking stand, but I have grown quite fond of her.

We are done with the farmer's market for the season but somehow I don't think that will make life less hectic!  These days I've been trying to keep up with the tomatoes as they ripen, really enjoying having an abundance of cantaloupe to eat, and putting off dealing with the apples - after that it will be pumpkins and squash. Kevin is finished with the grain work now but is getting quite busy with scout activities and is trying to figure out winter housing for all of the critters.

We have quite a bunch of young roosters that need to go.  More on that next week I think.  Until then, be well friends!


  1. Oh to have home raised turkeys. That was always a goal for me. I have to convince Hubby though.

    1. We had roast turkey for supper just last night - last year's birds. I am not much of a meat eater myself but had some and it was quite delicious - very tender and juicy. They are such interesting and personable birds though, it's hard to let them go. They have been easy to raise for us, but they do eat a lot!
