Sunday, May 5, 2019

What's New the First Week of May 2019

That's the thing about spring  - always something new going on. 

It was kind of a cold damp week but there were some sunny spots.  Here's one:

Mama Hen #3 hatched out six new chicks.  We now have small, medium, and large chicks and a total of 15. 

Speaking of large - check this out:

When you have chickens, you find out that eggs come in many shapes, textures, colors, and sizes.  The enormous egg on the left weighed in at 4.7 ounces. I believe it is the largest chicken egg I have ever had. The one on the right is a more normal 2.4 ounces.  That is considered extra- large in the egg grading world. 

As expected, it was a double yolker - I had it for breakfast this morning.  Delicious!

The kids are doing great - here are a couple of updated photos.
Daffodil on the stump and Tulip trying to join her

We have started separating the kids from their mamas at night.  In the morning Kevin spends some time with them while I milk.  I just cannot seem to get a good picture in the low light of the shd, but I will share a couple less tha stellar ones here anyway just to show you the fun Kevin and the kids have while they wait for their breakfasts!
Goat yoga - Ole Lake style!

He is under there somewhere!
One last thing - wanted to share a couple of pictures of a kitty that seems to have moved in with us.  He or she is pretty shy, but not too wild.  I call him/her Scruffy - not sure why as he/she looks pretty good.

Kevin and Rollie have starting working the fields and getting ready to plant - no pictures tonight but hopefully next week.  Until then,  be well friends!

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