It's raining and we are so happy about it! June has been so dry this year. We are getting a good soaker with heat predicted - that corn is really going to grow now!
Despite the dry conditions, the oats looks pretty good.
The pigs and their house and paddock move frequently - every few days or at least one a week. Usually it's just a few yards to a new patch of ground but on Sunday they had a longer distance to go - kind of a piggy adventure I like to think but in a confined way. After removing the supporting fence posts, Kevin hooks on to their house with a tractor and slowly moves to the new location. We pig wranglers guide the fence panels and make sure they stay upright and contain the critters. This time the move was around the garden, through a disced up patch, then up onto the driveway and down to the barnyard, stopping behind the Winter Coop. This area is fairly low, has deep black dirt and lots of weeds.
The move in progress:
And where they ended up behind the coop.
The pen curves around the side of the coop so the pigs are well aware of when I am out feeding the chickens. You would think they were starving the way they carry on!
Speaking of chickens, the littlest chicks are doing well and have no problem getting their share of the feed!
The first batch of chicks are looking less like chicks and more like chickens.
We should have a third batch of chicks hatching this week.
More hay has been put up but I didn't get any photos. That project will continue though.
I have a photo of the garden to share. It looks a lot different that in years past but it works for me. To the back are tomatoes, the garlic, then some pots of kale, and the straw bales with cucumbers, melons, squash and pumpkins. The circles have peas and beans with potatoes in the middle. There are more planters to the far left with greens. I have managed to spread more wood chips out there but as you can see I have a lot more of that to do.
And that is the update for tonight. Thank you for stopping by the blog, and until next time, be well friends.
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