Sunday, June 10, 2018

June 10, 2018

Another week has gone by and here we are well into June already.  Out in the fields the buckwheat, oats, sunflowers, soybeans, and pumpkins are growing well and the rye & wheat are headed out.  The weeds are growing well too; so the sunflowers, sweet corn and cornmeal corn got cultivated on Saturday.

That's Rollie on his old Allis Chalmer's WD "cullivating" the corn. The corn is really tiny and cultivating it will help it to stay ahead of the weed growth.

I haven't said much about the garden in these posts- there isn't much to get excited about there.  It's not the orderly place I would like it to be, and certainly not tidy.  It's become quite clear that I have more garden space than time to tend it.  I have gotten in some tomatoes and peppers, squash, pumpkins, and Kevin's favorite peas. The rest I will have to buy from our farmer friends.

Last week's post was mainly about baby birds and here is their update.

Penelope and Peanut, the turkey hens have taken their poults out to the hay field and have not brought them back. I try to spot them out there whenever I am out and walk out to check on them now and then - they only have four chicks of the six they started with; I sure wish they would stay a little closer to the house.   From the incubator, we ended up with eleven turkey poults; there were twelve to begin with but one died just today.  They are in the brooder for now but I know from our last experience with poults that they won't stay in there for long.

Mama Hen II and her eight chicks were only caged for a few days and now enjoy the out of doors.  I caught a picture of one of the little cuties riding on her mom's back!

Soot and Snow, Vinca's twins have moved on to a new home.  This means that we have a LOT more milk coming in.  Today I made the soft goat cheese also called chèvre, and some cottage cheese.  Periwinkle, Echo's doeling is still with us and I will try to get an updated picture for next week.

Until then, be well friends.

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