Saturday, March 22, 2014

A cold day at Ole Lake

The calendar says it's spring but I am skeptical.  Zero degrees when we got up this morning and now at 1:30ish it's up to a blistering 15.  Kevin, Rollie, and Kurt are working in the woods today, getting some wood together for the ever voracious wood stoves.  At lunchtime Kevin said it wasn't too bad out there out of the wind, and at least it's sunny today!

I got out to the shed to take some photos... a photographer I am not, but at least you get the idea.  My hands got too cold to wait for the kids to line up in the perfect photo formation, but here is what I got.

The does and doelings

That's Vinca on the left, Sunflower coming out from under the table, Chikorita and Ivy on top, and Daisy on the right.

 The little ones are growing fast, as you can see.  They are a lot of fun to watch as they bounce around the shed.  Then out to visit the guys...

The bachelor padOle is on the left, Ranger in the middle, and Pete to the right.

And just to show you that it's not ALL about goats...

The serious business of egg production

Handsome Javier and some of the other ladies

And that will do it for today.  Thanks for stopping by!

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