Saturday, November 29, 2014

Post-Thanksgiving Saturday

I hope that everyone reading this blog had a pleasant holiday on Thursday, no matter how you spent the day.  We had a very traditional meal at the North House… turkey and the works, cooked up by Ardis for the most part.  It was delicious of course, and the best part was sharing it with family.  When I think of the things that I am most thankful for I include my home, the land it sits on, good friends, my job, my animals, but most of all my family. 

I do love traditions, and a fairly new one for me is running the Baxter Turkey Run 5k on Thanksgiving morning; this was my fourth time.  I was so happy to share part of Thanksgiving with my good friends Kathy, who participated in the run, and Leslie, who hosted us for coffee afterward.  This year it was pretty chilly, -6 degrees at the start time of 9:00 but fortunately there was no wind to speak of.  Everyone got pretty frosty but I have no regrets. 
A little frosty, and sporting my turkey feathers!
Friday (known as Black Friday to some, but I don’t care for the name) was the day of Aitkin’s World Famous Fish House Parade.  This event is almost 25 years old now.  It has grown over the years to become a genuine BIG DEAL for our little town.  Kevin and the scouts participate in the parade every year.  New this year was the Fish House 5k… how could I resist?  It was a bit warmer for running than Thanksgiving Day was, but the course was very, very icy and the runners had to take it easy due to the slippery conditions.   

Kevin and Kurt are working on wood today, as they will be most Saturdays and Sundays for the foreseeable future.  Kori, Mickey, and I walked down the road to where they were and saw evidence of turkey activity along the way.
Lots of coming and going from the woods to the cornfield across the road, and back again.

Kori and Mickey check what the guys are up to

The adult goats are mostly hanging around in the shed these days, but I did catch them outside this morning. 
Daisy has been down to once a day milking for a few weeks now.  I will be drying her up completely after tomorrow I think.  Vinca is still milking twice a day, but if my plan is to bring her down to once a day by Christmas, and then dry her up sometime in January.

Vinca, playing like a kid for a while in the snow!

And so, life goes on.  We’ll be caught up in the season of Christmas soon.  Things settle into the winter routine around here, so I won’t be blogging as much.  I am going to try to put something out here from time to time, but if I go for a week or two, or even a month without a blog, just check back again.  Spring will come, and with it new life and we will be here on the blog to share it with you.

Until next time, be safe, be well.

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